Tuesday, 21 June 2016

GSoC project Status


I didn't made post last week so I will be discussing about shellcodes which I did previous week also.

I started working on Create Directory shellcode in week 2 and completed it soon as It wasn't big as I used function CreateDirectoryA which is available in kernel32.dll so there was no need to load any dll's into process.

Then came the next shellcode Creating File, I thought it would be straightforward Load msvcrt.dll library > Find fopen to create file > find fprintf and use it to write to file > Close file . But when I started to work on it fopen was not working as usual, It was changing stack so I was not able to get the values like kernel32.dll address which I saved in stack for later use. I tried debugging it but couldn't find it as fopen was giving some error values and calling _wfopen and so stack was changing. Using fopen, file was created but stack was not same so I couldn't get values which I saved on stack. I was still able to write code which after creating file, exits successfully but it was getting long. So Ali said about system() which he used for creating linux create file Shellcode. system function is in msvcrt.dll so I loaded it first and then after finding address used it as system("echo data>file"). Here is create file shellcode : https://github.com/Ali-Razmjoo/OWASP-ZSC/pull/47/files . It takes two values one is file name and other is content of file.

Next I started working on downloading file shellcode. This will be created as two shellcodes : 1. for downloading file 2. downloading and executing file. I completed both of them and PR of downloading file is merged https://github.com/Ali-Razmjoo/OWASP-ZSC/pull/48  now I am pushing the shellcode of download and execute. For downloading I used URLDownloadToFileA function. The Shellcode takes values as url and filename. I spend one day on execution part after completing the download part and after lot of debugging I found that I was doing mistake where I was passing parameters in wrong order :P

I am on my schedule and next I will be working on Creating user and adding to admin. I will be using NetUserAdd method or do this part through command whichever would be short. 

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

GSoC Week 2 : Opcoder and Windows Shellcode


Completed 2nd week of GSOC and it was a good one :)

This week I made opcoder that converts the assembly code to opcodes. I worked mostly with the tool, adding windows options to the tool and all. It was made easy because of great tutorial by Ali here : https://ali-razmjoo.gitbooks.io/owasp-zsc/content/English/developers_s1.html . and the second thing that I did was converted static shellcode of calc.exe to dynamic so it can execute any file. First I started by writing that myself and I spent a day on it and then I came across generate function which was there in tool which does the same thing so used that for opcoder. I didn't interact daily with my mentor Brian this week as I was able to do most of my work but I interacted with Ali many times as I had questions with tool. Whenever I ask any doubts to Brian or Ali they reply very fast without taking much time though they are busy with their job. Good to have such active mentors :).Here are couple of screenshots from tool of the options and shellcode generated.

 (Ignore that line by line opcodes in 2nd ss it was print statement :P)

I have pushed changes to main repo here : https://github.com/Ali-Razmjoo/OWASP-ZSC/pull/46/files I feel that the opcoder is messy currently but I will document it when I have all the shellcode covered, as with other shellcodes coming I think it will change a lot in coming weeks.

I started create directory shellcode yesterday. It was planned to be started at end of week 2 but started in week 3. So to keep going with schedule, this week I should complete Create Directory and Write to File shellcode. I almost completed create directory shellcode as it uses function CreateDirectory which is already in kernel32.dll so I hope remaining time will be enough to compete file shellcode as it is slightly complicated as it requires functions like fopen,fwrite which are present in other dll which needs to be loaded into process.